Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Living life in abroad is fun for me. Maybe not all OFWs will agree, but I bet, those who are here in Bangkok will. Most of us here are teachers, if not they are singers and in IT business. Teachers only work on weekdays, some have extra classes on weekends, which means extra pay also. On weekends, you can either choose to stay at home, go to the movies, unwind in the park, shop or window shop, go swimming, go to an internet cafe to talk to your friends and families, visit your friends, eat and eat and eat. Thai people like to invite foreigners also.. either to have dinner with them or go with them in their provinces, maybe because, they want to learn english, but i think its more of because they are genuinely hospitable and kind. They are always willing to help. Like, they let you get away when you'll have traffic violations!!!

As I always say to my friends. Bangkok is just like Manila. Just a little better. In terms of the environment, people and the government. Still, theres no place like home. Thats why I am thrilled to go home on october!!!My sister is getting married!! Awwwww...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

cntentment n life..depends n hw u handle-manage ur lyf..

3rd para..seems ntersted 2 2ok 2..tara la usap tau!!ehehe..

25/8/05 14:16  

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